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LLL Services Company Covid-19 Response


Information Center

At LLL Services and Supply, we're committed to providing a clean and safe environment for our employees and customers. We've already taken a number of steps to ensure everyone's safety, with increased precautionary measures and operational changes. And, to continue to do what we can to navigate these uncertain times, please know that we are available to assist in the following areas:


  • Providing disinfectants and sterilization chemicals

  • Following best practices in workplace and activity configuration


In addition, our assistance is based upon the Center of Disease Control's (CDC) regulations relating to business activity. We will also maintain their recommended best practices of:


  • Frequent hand washing

  • Social distancing (6 foot minimum)

  • Face masks or coverings

  • Gloves as appropriate

  • Keeping doors open in tight spaces


Thank you for allowing LLL Services and Supply the opportunity to partner with and provide for your company during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please contact us further for information as we continue to innovate and remedy issues during these difficult circumstances. 

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